Fight Joint Inflammation with Turmeric


Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is the golden-orange spice that gives curried foods pizzazz. In Traditional Chinese and Indian Medicine, turmeric is used to treat allergies, digestive ailments, and pain. The active chemical component of turmeric is curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Today, research is focused on the role curcumin plays in diseases where the underlying factor is inflammation, such as in heart disease and arthritis. 

Studies show that curcumin blocks inflammation at the cellular level. Some studies indicate that curcumin's role in preventing joint inflammation surpasses its ability to reduce active joint inflammation. In clinical trials, standardized curcumin supplements helped improve pain and swelling in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. These promising results are being further investigated in long-term studies.

Including turmeric in your diet is easy to do and, oh, so flavorful!  Add turmeric to soups and dressings; sprinkle over meats, veggies, and scrambled eggs; add it to plain yogurt or a smoothie. While adding turmeric spice to your meals is a great first step, the amounts used in cooking do not provide the therapeutic levels needed to achieve its robust health effects.

I work closely with my patients to determine which curcumin supplement is best for each person's situation.  Sometimes a capsule or powder will have the best bioavailability (meaning it's easy for your body to process through the digestive tract - for your specific health needs.)




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